we the victim of emotional somersault
its not only about solitude but the yearning for that someone
which make our days more and more difficult.
failing to gauge the gravitational pull of relationship
we crave for someone who can,who sud make a difference
this is the first symptom, dat makes our heart beep.
is it not amazing when we hate someone,
then we are the one who lit the fire
but if we love someone,we fear to tell even dat very one..
the most wonderful feeling ever
which keeps our life out of control
paving a path in our lifeline forever.
the love to be cared for and care to love dat someone
sud never b overdone
if u get dumped, be happy for the loss u suffered
but if u dump, then remember everything is gone....
respect the love
it will take care of everything else like a fay
fights wud occur,
but dont dare to call it a day..
one thing u keep in mind u love the person for what he/she is..
dont try to permute dat special someone..
otherwise get ready for sucks and shocks from well-knit chain of bees..

well it was a compilation.
filled with 90% own creation
little edition and slight addition
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