why man why
why i m not the one who i am
when it matters d most,
why have the cells failed to burst.?
i dnt deliver wen it is meant to be
am i a sore loser
wat can i do
may be i m a bloody choker.
how to get rid of it?
how can i be done wit d thngs wen i want?
life was easy for me always
its not d case anymore, and now i cant.
wen can i seriously stand upto people's expectations
or most importantly my own.
life puts you under different situations
how hard u try, u cnt run.
who said failures are the pillars of success
WHAT I FEEL is lack of feeling bad
has turned failures into caresses
i did say me, "wat i am" many a times
but den why do i gv up??
needfully i need some chimes
to fight out my cunctation, to pop me up.
i knw its not me who can help myself
but WHO??But You, O GOD, the Lord, deal kindly with me for Your name's sake
all i hv said is very true, dis is no fake
no mishaps, no serious alterations i ask for
if i m able 2 gv my best always, treat 4 u is what i assure.
If I believe I can, or if i believe I cant,am I probably right ??