When the entire world is sleeping.. and parenthetically you are not
in that league,that is you are having sufficient time in your folder,
but circumstances act as anti-soporific agent ,then what can one
expect. The time aptly describes the period before the break of
the day and I was a victim to it a few days ago..
When my bread and butter of tomorrow is making a call for all
necessary documents, I had no other options but to proceed
towards my so-called Alma mater of tomorrow.
Even before the birds start chirping,the bus from my place
reaches Rourkela.The only question that was troubling me
prior that day (more specifically this Sunday) ki where would
I go,once I reach there because I don't have any room in the
hostel to claim for anymore and my future colleagues were to
reach there at 7 in the morning.
While the Indian students were suffering racist attacks in the
land of kangaroos,I myself was being traumatised in my own
land, that too on account of some trivial issues.Well one thing
that I could not digest was the victory of Roger Federer.While
the entire world was going gaga over his win, I was in the mood
of hitting some Federer's fan real hard. I desperately wanted
him to lose. Even many friends of mine have edited their orkut
stat message jst like this
"All hail Roger Federer." and
He is FEDERER....." to quote some.
Perhaps the above man missed out some other F-words for his
favorite Federer.
Well I was in the midway of my journey. So I had to spent
around 3 hrs alone in a supposed unknown place that too before
dawn. I reached Rourkela at 4:15 in the morning.
Seeing the time,my sixth sense,as usual(except on the days of
important exams) chucked out a plan for me for the seemingly
endless hours to come.
I straightaway headed towards our very dear Ms. Mamta
Banerjee's second home i.e. the railway station. This is the
only place where life never ends.Seeing the rush around,
the pale face of yesterday was suddenly lighted with a
feeling of enthusiasm.I moved from one platform to the other
looking at different trains leaving in opposite directions
pondering about a blunder I had made at this place a few
months back(this one I will be sharing in my posts to come).
Then I sat and had a nice cup of tea. That was simply superb.
All hardcore coffee lovers, please try this out the next time
because the station is the NICEST place for a cup of tea
(rather a glass of tea).
Next when i heard my mobile ringing it was just 5:30..It was
a call from my sweethome. With another one and half hours
to go,I thought newspaper would prove a worthy companion
then. But to my disappointment all magazine stalls were yet
to surface.I thought of walking back to the bus stand where
my friends would arrive. But laziness crept in.
I then preferred the obsolete rickshaw over the ubiquitous auto
for this segment of my journey, just because I wanted the
PRECIOUS time to make a real fast move.
A ride in a rickshaw, this is something I got to enjoy again after
a real funny experience I had with one of my friends,probably
in this calendar year .( Mr. friend, Do you remember??)
But what am I doing sitting in a rickshaw? I am not an avid
appreciator of the graceful nature.But saying this I don't
disagree with the fact that one cannot escape the radiant sun
and the eternal wind.
But, wait, you haven't heard the end..
The icing on the cake for the morning was when I was found
reading a newspaper under a banyan tree, the place where
I had never sat even in my 4 years of engineered life.
(Remember the banyan tree at Sector-2)......

I insist you write more often...really...loved this piece... very vivid.. :-) love!! :)) ;))
ReplyDeleteThat appears to be excellent however i am still not too sure that I like it. At any rate will look far more into it and decide personally! Zanzibar tours excursions