(hmmm.. you got it, this is the English version), the above Italian
thing appeared and it enticed me to use it somewhere in my blog.
everything about it. But look at the hand of time. India's early
exit from T-20 World Cup made my job easy.
come out with some interesting stuff. The Good, the Bad and
the Ugly and the Indian cricket team. It sounds really funny.
coming to the good part----
Everyone does it, so do I, i.e. we all(barring a few) love watching
cricket, be it be test matches, ODIs or 20-20.and we follow it
religiously. And I have been doing so for the last 15 years that
too with full dedication and devotion. But the single reason for
this has been Sachin,the man with a magic wand. It is the
Sachin connection that makes us sit glued to the idiot box
(as they say) for hours together.I just can't imagine cricket
without Sachin.This is the man who aroused in us the passion for
gully cricket. Thanks to Indian cricket for gifting us with such
a genius. We cudnt have asked for anything better.Thanks again.
My love for Sachin is eternal..I am very superstitious when it
comes to the moment when Sachin bats. the sitting position
that I assume when he begins his batting remains the same as
long as he stays at the wicket and I have experienced it
umpteen times that a minor modification in my position or
slightest surfing of channels between the overs leads to his
dismissal, and whenever I have tried to amend it, some
unavoidable circumstances force me, and I feel helpless.
SORRY SACHIN,BUT i REALLY LOVE you a lot. The pace
with which the heart pumps blood when he is at the crease,
is beyond the reach of a doctor's stethoscope.
The elegance with which he bats, I simply am fond of it.
But the most heart-breaking innings of Sachin has been his duck
against the then not-so-mighty aussies during a supersix
encounter in 1999 world cup.
bad part----
I dnt like when Sachin is ignored. Grrrrrrrrr... I dont like it.The
T-20 WorldCup victory will always be a happening thing in the
annals of Indian cricket but for the Sachin fan club all around, it
was never a chill pill just because there was no Sachin in the team then.
Everybody talks about whether Sachin is a match-winner or not?
They say Sachin fails in crucial matches and finals..
Why do they forget that it is this Sachin who helps them reach
the finals..and it is him who initiates it with his delicate drives
and tactful leg-glances. Start of an innings is as important as
its finish and his innings since time immemorial has been aiding
the so-called match winners to finish it up for India.It will be a
sorry-state of affair if I go on defending him.
But for you out and out critics of Sachin,
www.sachinandcritics.com would provide you the necessary
cure from your typo of dyslexia.
What will happen when the pied piper of the team calls it a day?
The very feeling leaves me dumb and nerveless..
Oh God just fulfill his dream of winning a WORLD -CUP before the
legend bids adieu to all Sachin addicts. This would be the befitting
swan song for the one and only Sachin. So, 2011 is the year to
watch out for..
and now the ugly part----
this is meant for the players,BCCI,media and above all the people
of India.
I dnt know what is the problem with the cricket lovers.. why are
they not empathetic enough. A team cannot win all the times..
there has to be up and down.. Haan sometimes it hurts, but it is
then when the team fails to deliver as professionals just like in
the ongoing T-20 World Cup.
The loss would definitely serve as a lesson for Dhoni. Dhoni,you
forgot to do the groundwork properly. You probably thought
that each and every stroke of yours would prove to be a
masterstroke. Its good-bye time for LadyLuck now.
Rather than working hard in the nets to fight back their nemesis
of short-pitched delivery,your team indulged themselves in
Shame on you and your team, the way you surrendered in each
and every match,you people horribly lacked professionalism.
And then you start blaming IPL and fatigue factors,these are
the signs of sore losers. And Dhoni remember you are no Sachin,
so dnt take ur place in the team for granted.
Last but not the least,the blame game played by the players of
yester-years. Why do they come out with such reckless comments
once the team starts losing. And the media enjoys the coverage
of such interviews and columns. These people speak as if they
had won numerous matches for the team. Atleast the present
bunch of players have brought a sea-change in the attitude of
other teams towards India.
Anyways,where the men in blue are concerned the unexpected
always happens.
This is the story so far that brings out the good, bad and ugly
segments of our TEAM INDIA.
I forgot to mention one thing, just lend an ear to the soundtrack
of THE GOOD,THE BAD AND THE UGLY..You will realise how
familiar you are with the track.