woh khoon kaho kis matlab ka jo aa sake desh ke kaam nahin.....
happy independence day...
the sole phrase dat binds ur ears the entire day..
no doubt we all derive immense pleasure in yelling
yes we are Indians..but we all can put one step
forward in showing the world what stuff we are
and choking the nations to have a better opinion
of our nation..
well how many people really took genuine interests
in the national celebration..for them it was a good
long day to relax..partying with friends,and watching
KAMINEY.. in multiplexes paying a hefty price
for some real scrap movies (ANYWAYS KAMINEY IS GOOD)
and one bucket of priceless popcorn.. well this is justified
ki we work and we earn and we have every right to enjoy
ourselves the way we want..but why do we forget
then that there are others who are suffering every
moment rite out there ..just because GOD HAS NOT
BEEN KIND TO THEM. Dont u think its already time
we realise ki we are the ones who can carve a
better, beautiful and bold INDIA.
we cannot leave everything to the govt. it is just
not possible. we just cant expect the govt. to tackle
each and every problem smoothly.. everythng is
SARKARI. then there is a lot of static out dere...
and generations wud pass before we can catch a sight
of the developed india as envisaged by the great Kalam.
we can embed in us the thought of the nation, our very own India.
look at the disparity in the earnings of people..some
have properties of 1000's of crores and adding a new
hummer, or new porsche every other day
while shockingly 80% of the population dnt get enough
to eat..
we are all thankful to god ki how lucky we are..
each and every dream of ours gets fulfilled ..the number
of different brands of apparels found in our closets,
number of nike,reebok or woodland footwears lining
our shoeracks, to having 3-4 lappys in each house ,
eating in kfc's and mcdonalds to having number of
rooms more than number of members in the family
to each and every comfort more than what an average
individual needs in reality and then dere are those
children who have to put on the same piece of cloth
for years together and ask them whether they know
how a dairy milk tastes like? And do they have the
privilege to put down their feelings in blogs..and the
lakhs of senior citizens who dnt have a house to live
in nor liberty to live with..

we can and we must make a difference..the root of all
problems being poverty..we need to wipe it out before
its offsprings like corruption and terrorism engulf our
country like anything.
we can bring out a change in the development index of
our country . Can't a single well-to-do individual take
the responsibility of a needy to some extent.. what are
you waiting for?? dont you want to see a smile on each
and every Indian..and this wud be the day when we can
proudly say that we all belong to independent india,free
from every evil that has ever surfaced..
well me awaiting my first salary to hopefully give me some
impetus to be serious in efforts regarding this..